Too Many Kids

One day, 3 men rushed their wives into the Emergency Room for labor.

After a while, the doctor came out and said, “Mr. Smith, Mr. Smith, are you here?”

“Yes doctor, I’m right here,” he said anxiously.

“Great news,” explained the doctor, “Twins!”

“Wow, that’s great, because I work for the Double Mint company.”

About 5 minuter later, the doctor came out and yelled, “Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones, are you hear?”

“I’m right year Doc,” he said.

“Mr. Jones, great news, triplets!”

“Spectacular!” he said. “Because I work for 3M.”

A while later, the doctor came out again and said, “Mr. Ford, Mr. Ford, are you here?”

“Right here docta,” he said.

“Wonderful news! It’s-“

“Wait a minute!” the man said. “I ain’t stickin’ around for this! I work at the 7-11.”

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